New Features:

Brand New Newspaper: Caveat Emptor

Introducing the debut issue of the Indy newspaper for writers by writers focusing on fiction, interviews, and how-to articles. Interview: Bobby Nash; House of zO Part 1; How Real Is Real, to name a few. Hard Copy and Digital Available.

Points of submission:

Now accepting submissions for the new feature Caveat Emptor. This Indy newspaper is for Indy writers, film makers, bloggers, gamers, and storytellers. We are currently accepting how-to articles with tips on improving your writing and storytelling. We are accepting interviews of writers, storytellers, and editors. We are also accepting serial fiction stories which will run over several issues.

For guidelines on submissions, please email and put "Submission Guideline Query" in the subject line.

Distribution program:

Everyone can purchase a hard copy of each edition for $2.00 or a digital version for $0.99 on the Store Front. Some people have inquired about the special distribution and volume program available to sell copies of each edition from their own storefront, event, conventions, etc. This is a great program because distributers get increased numbers of each edition at greatly discounted costs which they can in turn sell at face value recouping their investment plus making a profit per issue. When you sell an issue and profit, we all sell an issue and profit. For the distribution program listing, please email and put "Newspaper Distribution" in the subject line. Thank you.

Keep checking back here for more updates on new features!!!